Boost Your Immune System With These 18 Superfoods


Exercise is key to stay happy and healthy, but even more important is the quality of food you fuel your body with. Eating healthy foods can effectively bolster your immune system and give you an edge against harmful viruses and bacteria.

Read on to learn about 18 superfoods for your immune system that have demonstrated through various studies to keep your body’s natural defenders working at peak performance.

Citrus Fruits


These super fruits such as grapefruit, lemon, limes, oranges, and tangerines are chock-a-block full of Vitamin C and help your body boost its production of infection-fighting white blood cells. Notably, your body can’t store Vitamin C, so regular intake of these healthy fruits is essential! 



This dark, leafy green is incredibly rich in antioxidants like quercetin and kaempferol that are able to stave off chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress like cancer and coronary artery disease. It is also a great source of both vitamins C and K.



These berries are not only a tasty treat - their flavonoids have a powerful antioxidant effect and these berries are well known for their heart health, bone strength, skin health, blood pressure, diabetes management, cancer prevention, and mental health bolstering properties.



This super fruit has 224% your daily recommended dose of vitamin C. It also contains a digestive enzyme that helps reduce inflammation in the body. 

Red Bell Peppers


Citrus fruits, eat your heart out - red peppers contain twice as much vitamin C! As an added bonus, they are a rich source of beta carotene, which keeps your eyes and skin healthy and youthful.



There’s a reason your mom always insisted you eat your broccoli - this basic vegetable is actually one of the richest superfoods around! Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as powerful antioxidants and plenty of fibre to keep things moving. To get the most benefit from these little trees, be sure not to overcook them!



Bad for your breath, great for your immune system. It is believed their immune-boosting properties are from a concentration of sulphur-containing compounds like allicin. These powerful bulbs have the ability to lower your blood pressure and prevent the hardening of the arteries. 



Inflammation is the enemy, and ginger is the remedy. It can help you with a sore throat and post-workout muscle pain and may help alleviate chronic pain issues and lower your cholesterol



Another inflammation fighter, this aromatic spice has demonstrated that it is capable of reducing pain associated with arthritis, and decrease exercise-induced muscle damage.

Goji Berries

Also known by their much cooler name, wolfberries, these berries are dense with vital immune system building blocks such as vitamins B and C, fatty acids, amino acids, and key minerals. 

Chia Seeds


These Central American super seeds help bolster your immune system via their enormous amount of omega-3, which can boost your brain and heart health, along with twice as much vegetable protein as other seeds.

Sunflower Seeds


This healthy snack boasts incredibly high levels of vitamin E, which is a core component the body uses to regulate and maintain the immune system. It also includes substantial amounts of phosphorous (great for kidneys, bones, and muscles), magnesium (formation of protein, nervous system regulation) and vitamin B-6 (metabolizing protein). 

Greek / Icelandic Yogurt


Did you know that the healthy bacteria in your gut can weigh up to 2kg? Greek or Icelandic Yogurt, or other Yogurt that boasts live and active cultures, provide beneficial probiotics that help stimulate your immune system, keep you regular, regulate your weight, and even help manage your mood and energy levels. Yogurt is also an amazing source of Vitamin D, which boosts your body’s natural defences.

Green Tea / Matcha


Both black and green tea contain “flavonoids” - which despite its odd name is not an alien creature but a powerful antioxidant. They also both contain the antioxidant EGCG, but the level of this powerful disease fighter is reduced in black tea due to the fermentation process. Green tea also contains the amino acid L-Theanine, which helps promote calmness.



Parsley not only freshens your breath and adds an earthiness to any dish - it also contains the chemical compound coumarin, which possesses a variety of biological properties, including antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and enzyme inhibitory activity.



This delicious spice has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. The same compound that gives it its aromatic smell and taste is responsible for most of its benefits - protecting your body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.



This upriver swimmer is prized for its omega-3 and protein content. Eating salmon also provides you with a good bit of your daily B vitamins, which are key at optimizing your brain and nervous system. It also contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, which gives salmon meat its characteristic red colour. 



Don’t be selfish and hog all the shellfish - these creatures of the deep are rich with zinc, which your immune system needs to ensure its defender cells work properly.

Looking for a holistic exercise and diet plan to get in shape and boost your immune system?

Diet is key to a healthy immune system, but so is exercise. Exercise helps flush bacteria out of your lungs and airway and stimulates the circulation of white blood cells. It also helps regulate your cortisol, which keeps your stress levels lower and immune system operating at peak performance.

At HOUSEFIT, we believe that nutrition is so integral to achieving your fitness goals that we’ve included nutrition coaching in every one of our personal training programs. 

Our personal trainers have the expert knowledge required to get you the results you’re looking for, whether you’re aiming to lose weight, recover from an injury, or bulk up. Custom meal plans from our trainers are easy to follow, and their support doesn’t end when you leave our gym- they’re with you every step of the way.
To get started, contact us today to get a free 90-minute assessment.