Develop a Rock-Solid 6-Pack With Our 6-Minute Ab Workout


Looking to work on your ab muscles, strengthen your lower back, or blast that difficult to shed belly fat and love handles? Doing this 6-minute ab routine every other day is just the trick.

Benefits of a regular core workout routine include:

  • More stability in your day to day life

  • Reduced back pain

  • Reduced chance of core injury

  • An attractive midriff!

How can I maximize weight loss/muscle gain on my core?

Along with regular ab exercises, it helps to reduce your intake of carbs and increase your intake of high-protein meals. Protein not only helps you build solid muscle, but it also reduces your feeling of hunger throughout the day so you’ll be snacking less.

It should go without saying, too, that if you really want results you need to cut back on processed foods full of added sugars and sugary drinks. We know that discipline can be hard when you’re getting started with a new routine - so we recommend you also read our article with tips from HOUSEFIT personal trainers on how to lose weight and build muscle FAST.

Try this 6-minute ab routine 3-4 times per week


Time: 1 minute

This low-impact exercise is a perfect way to launch your morning ab routine. 

Lay on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor, with arms parallel to your body pointing towards your feet and palms down. Keep your core tight, inhale and push through your feet lifting your butt and back off the ground until your body forms a straight line between knees and shoulder.

Slowly lower back down, and repeat 10-15 times. As your core strength increases, try adding an additional set.


Time: 2 minutes

This classic ab-blasting maneuver will help you shed waist and belly fat and develop muscle in no time. 

Lay down with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms crossed over your chest (not behind your head!). It is important to ensure you don’t pull or tuck your neck during a crunch to avoid injury to your neck and back.

Ensuring your movement is driven by your abs, roll your head, neck and shoulders off the ground. When you reach the top, pause momentarily, then slowly lower down. Repeat 10-15 times for 2-3 sets.

Variation: Side crunches

This variation targets your obliques more directly to help shed love handles. 

Start in the same position as a standard crunch, then, while keeping your legs together, twist your legs to the left side until your left leg is resting on the floor with the right leg on top. Then perform crunches with your upper body in the same way you perform a regular crunch, pausing at the apex, then slowly lowering back down.

Repeat 10-15 times for 2-3 sets.


Time: 1 minute

A solid basis for any bodyweight workout routine - planks strengthen not just your core, but your entire body. 

Your basic forearm plank is more challenging than being on your hands. Keep your forearms flat on the ground beneath you with elbows under your shoulder and neck in a neutral position. Press your elbows directly into the ground and squeeze your core and glutes, and hold for upwards of 15-20 seconds.

Variation: Side Plank

A great way to blast your obliques. Start on your side and place one forearm down with elbow below your shoulder and perform the same hold as a standard plank. Repeat on the other side.

Bird Dogs

Time: 1 minute

A low impact exercise that helps strengthen your core, and particularly your lower back.

Kneel on the floor with your knees straight below your butt and your arms straight below your shoulders. Tense your core and maintain a neutral spine position without allowing your back to sag. Lift your right arm straight out in front of you, and your left leg straight out behind you, careful to maintain your balance.

Maintain the tension in your core and hold for 10-15 seconds, then slowly lower your arm and leg to the starting position. Then alternate; stretch your left arm out straight in front and right leg straight behind. Hold for 10-15 seconds.