20 Free Weight Exercises for Powerful Arms


Have you ever done the same exercises over and over again without seeing any gains? Toning and enhancing a particular area of your body can get repetitive. Not only is it boring, it also stops benefitting your muscles if you’re just doing the same exercises and not pushing your body any further.

Instead of sticking with your same old arm workout, we’ll show you how to build a balanced free weight exercise routine that targets all your muscle groups.

How to Build a Balanced Free Weight Arm Routine to Target Each Muscle

The key to building a balanced dumbbell workout for toned arms is to use a variety of free weight exercises that target muscle groups throughout your body. After all, what use are jacked biceps and triceps if they’re totally out of place with the rest of your physique?

By mixing it up, you can ensure that each muscle group is getting coverage, as well as sufficient time in between workouts to rest and recover.

Our Favourite Arm Exercises

We love using free weights because they’re inexpensive, versatile, and can be used anywhere. Using them also helps isolate muscles, allowing you to target hyper-specific areas. They also allow for easy weight changes, so you can quickly scale up as you get stronger.

Here are some of our favourite free weight exercises for super strengthened and toned arms. When you first start out, use a lower weight if that’s what’s comfortable for you. Scale up whenever you can, and get ready to feel the burn! 

To make sure you have proper form, watch HOUSEFIT trainer Joseph Lim take you through his stay at home arm workout:


1.     Hammer Curl

This bicep-targeting exercise begins with you standing tall with your legs shoulder-width apart. Keep your core engaged. Hold the weights down by your sides, then curl the weight up with the metal bar running north-south. Raise and lower with control.

2.     Crossover Hammer Curl

This exercise begins exactly the same way as the standard hammer curl. The only difference is that instead of curling straight up and down, you’ll curl the dumbbell in your right hand towards your left shoulder, and vice-versa.


3.     Bicep Curl

This basic arm strengthening exercise is similar to a hammer curl, but instead of raising the dumbbell with the metal bar pointing north-south, the bicep curl uses the weight in a more traditional east-west configuration. The upper arms are also kept close to the sides, isolating the bicep muscles.


4.     Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl

This version of a bicep curl uses an incline bench to help engage the core while targeting biceps. Sit with the incline bench at a 45° angle to the floor, and hold a weight in each hand. Stretch each arm towards the floor, then raise weights up to the shoulders, keeping elbows tight to your sides. Raise, then lower to complete the rep.

5.     Wrist Curl

Looking to target the forearm extensors and biceps? Try a wrist curl. Starting from a seated position, lean forward so the backs of your forearms rest on your thighs, with wrists hanging over your knees. Hold a barbell or dumbbell, and curl it up as high as possible using only your wrist strength.  


6.     Concentration Curl on Stability Ball

This is a great exercise for arm and core strength. Sit on a stability ball with your legs squared. Rest the arm holding the dumbbell on the inside of your thigh, then curl the weight up towards your shoulder. Repeat several times on this initial side, then switch.


7.     Overhead Triceps Extension

Begin by standing, and carefully lift a weight over your head with both hands until your arms are fully extended. Slowly and with control, bend your elbows so that the weight lowers behind your head. Be careful not to hit the back of your head.


8.     Overhead Triceps Extension on Stability Ball

Once you’ve mastered it, the overhead triceps extension is a great exercise to move to the stability ball. It gives a fantastic core workout, as well as targeting the triceps.


9.     Skull Crusher  

Another exercise that requires good control and concentration is the skull crusher. Lie down on the floor or a yoga mat, and bend your knees so that your feet sit flat. Hold the dumbbell in both hands, and raise it until it’s right over your shoulders. Bend your elbows, and lower the weight carefully behind your head to the floor. Repeat. 


10.  Bent Over Row

Want to focus on shoulders? For the bent over row, you’ll start with your feet hip-width apart and knees bent so that your chest is at a 45° angle to your thighs. 

Hold a weight in each hand and extend your arms out from your shoulders. Then, pull your arms back so that elbows are pointing directly behind you. You should feel your chest open up, and your shoulders push together. Repeat the row several times.

11.  L-Raise

Another great shoulder sculptor is the L-Raise. Begin by standing straight up, with feet hip-width apart, and a weight in each hand down by your sides. For each repetition, you’ll lift one arm forward, and the other out from your side in an L-shape. After a few reps on one side, switch the position of your arms.  


12.  Lateral Raises

You’ll start this exercise standing straight, with feet shoulder-width apart. Holding a weight in each hand, raise them to shoulder height, hold for a beat, then slowly lower them back down. Your arms shouldn’t flap or go too fast, and you’ll want to ensure you have a slight bend in your elbows to protect them from overextension.  

13.  Overhead Press

Sit on a chair or exercise bench that offers good back support. With a dumbbell in each hand, raise each arm so they’re forming a 90° angle with your shoulder. For each repetition, raise your arms above your head, and lower back down to shoulder height.


14.  Dumbbell Pull-Over

Lying on a flat bench with feet flat on the floor, use straight arms to raise a dumbbell over your chest. Slowly bend your elbows and lower weight behind your head, then raise it back to the starting position.


15.  Back Squat

Standing straight, hold a bar across your back at the same height as your shoulders. Keep your upper body engaged, and gradually bend your knees into a deep squat. Push up from your heels to return to the starting position.


16.  Overhead Press

Begin standing tall, with a weight bar in an overhand grip across your chest. Keeping your arms and core engaged, push the bar overhead, then lower it to your chest to complete the motion.  


17.  Bench Press

There’s nothing better than a classic bench press to work your pecs, shoulders, and upper back. Lie down on a bench, and grab your barbell with both hands. Pull it towards your chest, then push it away from you. Repeat until you need a break.


18.  Dumbbell Kickback

The dumbbell kickback uses a simple bench to really power up triceps gains. Start with your left knee up and your left palm flat on the bench. Keep your head up, and maintain a straight, flat spine as your right leg touches the floor. Hold the dumbbell in your right hand, and extend it straight behind you so it goes past your butt. Keep it there for a moment before returning to the starting position. Do several reps on the starting side before switching it up.


19.  Dumbbell Punch

This fun exercise works your entire upper body! Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand, and raise them up towards your chest like a boxer. One at a time, alternate punching your arms out in front of you.


20.  Back Fly

With one foot forward, bend your torso towards the floor so that you’re hinged forward at the waist. Pick up a weight in each hand, and ‘fly’ your arms back towards your shoulders with palms down and elbows slightly bent. As you come down, straighten your arms, and repeat. 

Work On Your Arm Strengthening Routine with HouseFit 

Want to boost your arm strength and tone your triceps, biceps, and more? The experts at HouseFit would love the challenge of designing the perfect arm workout for you. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our fitness philosophy, or schedule your free 90-minute consultation.